Saturday, May 9, 2009

My First.

This was one of my first pictures which i had taken with my SE W810i handset which came out really well.. and this is the original picture with no touch-ups... 

I feel really proud when i look at this picture and know that they were my hands that took it.

See how beautiful God has made this world. There is so much beauty in this world which man has yet to see. 

Oh how I wish Man would stop looking at the small things in life and start looking at God and what He has done.

The world and everything in it.. plus the sun, moon, stars were all created for US. I mean imagine HOW much God loved us, to create a perfect world and put us in it.

Think about the beautiful flowers, the flowing rivers, the beautiful sunsets you see everyday, the oceans wow..

I love the smell of the first rain, the first drops which fall on my face..

If everything He has created is soooo beautiful, how much more beautiful is He.

Don't be Blinded !!!

How many times our vision is blinded by our situations. Many times we call our situations as problems. and our so called problem is SO big that we cannot see and are blinded. we are not able to see ahead. We panic, are furious,troubled and everything seems wrong.

So what do we do ??? Are we going to lie down and take things as they come???

Remember God has created us to RULE not to be ruled. YOU are like a king who has to conquer your situation.We dont have to take everything life throws at us. There is always an altenative. Remember things will not be the same forever. they always change as it has been in the past. think of all those times where everything became normal.
Convince yourself.. " I am a Winner. I am not going to let things affect me".

You Lost a JOB, you will get a new one, your Girl has left you, Good, God has BETTER plans for you, your Boyfriend doesn't love you anymore, its time you said goodbye.

It's all a matter of time. There is nothing in the world that you have to be afraid of. When you are afraid, you cannot think straight, which makes you take wrong decisions.

Life is NOT about how many medals you have achieved, not about how much money you have left! Life is a journey. Every situation teaches you many things and makes you stronger.

So NEVER give up. Keep Learning.

Know this, God loves YOU and if are ready to trust and believe in HIM, He will be faithful and rescue you out of your situation.

Maybe your situation is big but GOD is BIGGER. He is REAL. He is ALIVE.

Friday, May 8, 2009


yes that was meeee!!!! 3 years back :( :( .. wow i wish could turn back time ..

i really need to loose some weight .. but but but..

its not at all about how you look..

people never fall in love only on the basis of looks anyways..

but it all about who you really are inside ..

are you an honest God fearing, loving sweet person ...

or filled with malice and hatred ???

that makes all the difference .. not that it will enhance someone else's life but you feel good about yourself..
you hate urself less if you make lesser mistakes ..
mayb i looked better few years back .. but i am a better person now..
God has taught me a lot of things about Himself and about the most important things in my life..
hence i am at peace .. n would love everyone to be in that state of joy and peace and contentment..
Life is Good.. but Life with Jesus is AWESOME!!!!!

FINALLY back..

finally back to bloggging after a long time.. felt like a million years .. but now i back .. hope to keep my blog updated regularly...
nice pic of me no.. thot i should put it.. ima good photographer don u think.. tc..